Prices are calculated at a rate of $60/hour plus travel fees based on location. $10/hour discount applies for high frequency pets, booked within 3 weeks of prior appointment. Extra fees may apply for matting, behavior modification training, or presence of fleas/ticks. Average times for a full groom run from 1-2 hours per dog, depending on size, coat type, length of hair, and grooming frequency. Baths and mini grooms are typically 30-60 minutes. |
Mini Groom
Full Service Groom
Nails Only (includes filing): $25 for first pet, $10 each additional. If your dog requires a training program to assist with nail trim phobias, hourly rates may apply instead. I use dog-friendly counter conditioning techniques and will never muzzle or excessively restrain your pet.
Flea Shampoo: $25 for each pet with fleas. Our de-flea service includes natural hypoallergenic shampoo and thorough flea combing. We will ensure all fleas are removed from your pet at the time of grooming, but we cannot guarantee that the pet will not acquire more fleas from the environment once released. We always recommend a vet-prescribed flea preventative for the health of your pet.
Dematting: Up to 15 minutes included with groom, provided they can be brushed without causing your dog pain or stress. Felted mats and tangles in sensitive areas will be clipped out automatically. Repeated de-tangling damages the coat and can make grooming uncomfortable. If matting occurs repeatedly I will choose a more manageable hairstyle for your pet.
Hand Stripping: $70/hour, 2-8 week schedules only. We do pet stripping only, which means flatwork and highly sensitive areas will be trimmed with clippers/thinners. All strips include nail clipping/filing, carding, and pads/sanitary clip. Baths are optional and cost an additional $25. I use a specialty conditioner on my terriers, which helps prevent breakage without softening the coat.
*Teeth brushing will only be done for dogs not displaying visible signs of gum disease. Brushing can potentially dislodge mouth bacteria and cause systemic infections, so it is advisable to have your dog’s teeth cleaned under sedation at the vet prior to beginning a brushing routine.
Flea Shampoo: $25 for each pet with fleas. Our de-flea service includes natural hypoallergenic shampoo and thorough flea combing. We will ensure all fleas are removed from your pet at the time of grooming, but we cannot guarantee that the pet will not acquire more fleas from the environment once released. We always recommend a vet-prescribed flea preventative for the health of your pet.
Dematting: Up to 15 minutes included with groom, provided they can be brushed without causing your dog pain or stress. Felted mats and tangles in sensitive areas will be clipped out automatically. Repeated de-tangling damages the coat and can make grooming uncomfortable. If matting occurs repeatedly I will choose a more manageable hairstyle for your pet.
Hand Stripping: $70/hour, 2-8 week schedules only. We do pet stripping only, which means flatwork and highly sensitive areas will be trimmed with clippers/thinners. All strips include nail clipping/filing, carding, and pads/sanitary clip. Baths are optional and cost an additional $25. I use a specialty conditioner on my terriers, which helps prevent breakage without softening the coat.
*Teeth brushing will only be done for dogs not displaying visible signs of gum disease. Brushing can potentially dislodge mouth bacteria and cause systemic infections, so it is advisable to have your dog’s teeth cleaned under sedation at the vet prior to beginning a brushing routine.